function my_custom_upload_mimes1($mimes1 = array()) {
// Add a key and value for the SVG file type
$mimes1[‘TTF’] = “text/TTF”;
return $mimes1;
add_action(‘upload_mimes1’, ‘my_custom_upload_mimes1’);
function my_custom_upload_mimes2($mimes2 = array()) {
// Add a key and value for the SVG file type
$mimes2[‘WOFF’] = “text/WOFF”;
return $mimes2;
add_action(‘upload_mimes2’, ‘my_custom_upload_mimes2’);
function my_custom_upload_mimes3($mimes3 = array()) {
// Add a key and value for the SVG file type
$mimes3[‘WOFF2’] = “text/WOFF2”;
return $mimes3;
add_action(‘upload_mimes3’, ‘my_custom_upload_mimes3’);
function my_custom_upload_mimes4($mimes4 = array()) {
// Add a key and value for the SVG file type
$mimes4[‘SVG’] = “text/SVG”;
return $mimes4;
add_action(‘upload_mimes4’, ‘my_custom_upload_mimes4’);
function my_custom_upload_mimes5($mimes5 = array()) {
// Add a key and value for the SVG file type
$mimes5[‘EOT’] = “text/EOT”;
return $mimes5;
add_action(‘upload_mimes5’, ‘my_custom_upload_mimes5’);
/*************svg eot woff woff2 ttf 用完可以刪除代碼**********/
/************這個加完後,請 vi wordpress 的 wp-config.php 文件加入 define( ‘ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS’, true );define( ‘ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS’, true );********************************************/