Yoast WordPress SEO Premium 去掉后台的提示。

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    In the following file:
    /wp-content/plugins/ WordPress -seo/vendor/yoast/license-manager/class-license-manager.php

    			// show notice if license is invalid
    			if ( $this->show_license_notice() && ! $this->license_is_valid() ) {
    				if ( $this->get_license_key() == '' ) {
    					$message = __( '<b>Warning!</b> You didn\'t set your %s license key yet, which means you\'re missing out on updates and support! <a href="%s">Enter your license key</a> or <a href="%s" target="_blank">get a license here</a>.' );
    				} else {
    					$message = __( '<b>Warning!</b> Your %s license is inactive which means you\'re missing out on updates and support! <a href="%s">Activate your license</a> or <a href="%s" target="_blank">get a license here</a>.' );
                    <div class="notice notice-error yoast-notice-error">
                        <p><?php printf( __( $message, $this->product->get_text_domain() ), $this->product->get_item_name(), $this->product->get_license_page_url(), $this->product->get_tracking_url( 'activate-license-notice' ) ); ?></p>
    • 文章数量: 5,925
    此回复已被标记为私有,🔒 仅楼主及管理员可见。
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  • 上次活动:<a href="https://bbs.weixiaoduo.com/topic/22637/#post-30219" title=" 回复至:Yoast WordPress SEO Premium 去掉后台的提示。">6 年、 1 月前</a>